Are you a Health, Wellness or Fitness Professional who's working hard, trading TIME for MONEY?

Are you FIT SMART, but lacking BUSINESS SMARTS?

Or maybe you’re making good money, but hit an income ceiling and CAN'T SCALE?

Give us 60 minutes and we'll show you exactly what you need to do to achieve success in your health or fitness business!

In this one-on-one, personalised business consultation, you will:

  • Understand where your health or fitness business is at right now

  • Identify where you want to be

  • Develop a plan for how to go from being the do-er to creator

  • Discover the 3 things you need to change to make the biggest impact

  • Find out your main time and money wasters

  • Highlight your biggest pain points

  • Gain one on one expert guidance

  • Unlock the next stage of your growth


Tailored specifically for Health and Fitness professionals


This session is for you if you've been asking yourself these questions lately...

Why can’t I scale?

Have you hit a glass ceiling and come to the realisation that there are only so many hours in a day and only so much you can charge per hour? Are you worrying that you are on a sinking ship with no life vest?

How do I get more clients?

Is your client base from just your local area? Or is your business set up to attract potential clients from any of the 7 billion people in the world who want to get fit and healthy? 

Who is my mentor?

Is it the PT in the gym or the naturopath in the health food store, earning a maximum of $100K per year, working their butt off trading time for money...? Who is pushing you on a daily or weekly basis?

Why do so many professionals in my industry leave after 3 years?

And how can you make sure you're not one of them?

How can I capitalise on the $1.5 trillion global wellness market? 

As you are in one of the most in-demand professions in the world right now, how will you make sure you are set up to capitalise on this growing market?

I need an online presence but where do I begin?

Do you think that ‘going online’ just means getting a website with contact details that you can pass on to your existing client base? Are you confused and overwhelmed with the choice of website builders out there?

Who's coaching ME?

Whilst you're busy trying to service your clients, where do you find the time for your own development, research and growth?

How do I grow my business without any business training? 

How much time was dedicated to business training in your course? Have you been trained by the best in business, marketing, sales, branding, customer experience? Or have you not been trained at all?!

When it comes to success in

business, are you asking yourself CAN I?

Am I making:

C onstant

A nd

N ever-ending

I mprovement

How am I going to do it all myself?

Do you have a team supporting your weaknesses, so that you can focus on your strengths?

We'll answer these and much more in your

FREE 1:1 Business Consultation

Personalised Plan

60 minute session dedicated to you and your business goals

Identify Your Hurdles

Break through the biggest blocks that are holding you back

Bonus Access

Receive complementary access to our most popular resource

Where am I at?

Where do I need to be?

How am I going to get there?


The Arena was purpose-built for professionals in the health, fitness and wellness industries to equip you with everything you need to share your message with the world. 

Team is EVERYTHING in running a successful business. All too often self-employed people try to be everything to every part of their business. We are taught to be individual players at school and university but the business of solopreneurs and entrepreneurs are in fact TEAM SPORTS.

Solopreneurs and entrepreneurs own businesses, not jobs. They create business assets. You create your product and your dream whilst your support team covers legals, systems, communications and cash flow accountancy. 

When all these roles are covered by the right people, your business will have a great chance at success.

When you step into The Arena, we solve this problem for you.

We have assembled

  • The best software
  • The best tools
  • The best strategies
  • The best automations and
  • The best experts, ready to play on your team.

Whether you’re just starting out or have an already established business that you’re looking to scale, our platform can be tailored to help you grow, whatever stage your business is at.

Find out more in our FREE, no obligation, one-on-one Business Consultation



“The Arena has opened my eyes to new ways of thinking and new ways of making money.

It has step by step videos to show you exactly what to do. Digital marketing, website creation, content creation... all of that is all-in-one. I can only speak about it 'cause I've done it.

I want to get on here and tell you there is light. There is more than just becoming a personal trainer or assistant coach after you get done playing professional basketball.

You can do so much more if we all just open our minds to the idea of The Arena."

Ish Sanders

x3 MVP Professional Basketballer, USA

“Going into digital marketing can be a little bit scary and it's expensive. So I've never really looked at it before, until this amazing product called The Arena has revolutionised the way small and medium business can do online business.

If you want your life to change, you need this in your life.

It takes you through from business idea all the way through to the end where you’re getting your sales rolling through the website.


It is so easy to follow – you’ve got all the support in the back end you need. You’ve got access to the best of the best in each field – so from lawyers to finance to digital marketers to website design, you’ve got access to the best in the business.


I can’t recommend The Arena enough."

Jake Killeen

Melbourne, Victoria

“I bought The Arena and I was hooked. Within a week I had watched everything - that ranges from the marketing funnels, systems automations, solopreneur coaching... it just takes Rich Dad, Poor Dad to another level. Within the first week of my business, I made $12,000."

Jett Lang

17 years old, Victoria

“I already had a business, but I wasn’t putting the right fuel into it, if that makes sense. I wasn’t doing it the right way. I was on open water, not having any business experience, trying to run it myself and do it all, just figuring things out on my own through YouTube and books…. But if I had step by step instructions on how to run a successful business online I’d rather do it that way.


So I ended up buying The Arena and excelled my business. I was able to, just as of last month, [grow] my income to just over $10,000. And that’s something that I have not seen within my business.”

Ida Andersson

Professional Basketballer, Sweden


Countdown finished!

Claim your FREE personalised 60 minute consultation now

to uncover the step-by-step process to take you

from owning a JOB to owning a BUSINESS



the weight you DIDN’T LIFT TODAY


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